i've developed a routine.it has only been two weeks but so far this is what i do, daily.
1. woke up at XXXX hours. (you seriously don't want to know when, i'm not a morning person, never was).
2. shower and lunch (not simultaneously you duff) or lunch then shower, either way is fine, depends on my smell.'
3. play with the kids, watch whatever cartoon there is on tv sembilan.
4. online or read some stuffs.
5. dinner and mingle with family (hey its an effort)
6. watch online shows, dvds, YMing with my darling.read.YM.eat.
i usually sleep after Subuh.
i'm so going to gain weight (due to the fact that i eat whatever, whenever i want) and this sedentary lifestyle.gah.my only exercise is walking around the house and my house is small.
but i do some running sometimes.when it's dark and suddenly i remember those pontianak stories from Mastika.i ran from the toilet to my bedroom.it took me about 3 seconds only but hell,i was running.
i'll change this routine next week.you just watch me ok?