Wednesday, February 4, 2009

why do jetplanes exist?

it's funny when nothing seems funny.the situation i am in, god i want to laugh out loud and i did.but it's not funny.and the laughter sounds, sounds odd and at times least to my ears.

laughing a hurtful laughter.i must have been out of my mind.i was and still am.

it's funny when you almost always get what you want and what you need until, until they go somewhere.

you can take my needs and willpower to live.fuck the geography you heart is a wonderful place to be in and there, my needs and willpower will stay forever and no one can take it away.

not anymore.

dear god, please don't take it away.with all my sincerity as your humble and low servant, please keep it here in my heart always.

1 comment:

Mc Izzy said...

jet plane exist to make life easier.neva tot it cud make ppl suffer. =)