Sunday, March 22, 2009

kungfu meriam bunuh kilat syaitan

i was at my maksu house last friday.i love visiting her because there will always be goodies.haha.
be it perfume, cosmetics, money, chocolates.i think she loved me.i got two kain batik for baju kurung and a Yeslam perfume.i think i've funded Taliban (Yeslam is a product under Osama bin Laden's brother i guess), but its free grandma was there as well, i missed her.

and then i played badminton with my cousin Farhan.

and i lose miserably.he is eleven.

when i asked him 'dah besar nak jadi apa'.he said 'nak jadi macam Lee Chong Wei'.

patutlah aku

i surrendered gracefully and manja manja with my grandma and i picked up a Dragon Ball comic.
terasa rindu yang sangat.i think i have tears in my eyes while i was reading the comic.

when i was small, i was an early reader, by the age of 3 or brother is the polar mom got him Dragon Ball comics every month so that he would read faster.but i ended up reading it to him. and looking back at the languages, no wonder why my brother is still a moron.haha.

Pikor is quite young in that episode and he was dubbed Pikor Remaja Syaitan.and there was a part when Cici was looking at Goku and said 'tidak sangka dulu Goku kecil, sekarang sudah besar ibarat sebuah gunung'.that got me laughing.

and when Goku brought Gohan to Cikgu Muten house for the first time and a voice said 'Eh Goku sudah jadi Mak Inang'.

i missed my Dragonball comics.there's not even one can mail all 43 episodes to me.i'll love you forever.

by the way, even Goku died of heart attack. Pahlawan Saiya Planet Bezita yang dulu bernama Kakaroct.apatah lagi kita yang homo sapiens negeri Selangor ni (aku lah).

kena banyak crank dat spiderman/batman/yank ni.


W. Suhailaliza W. M. H. said...

gosh epi!!

aku pun gila dragonball dolu-dolu!
siap hari2 merenung ke gambarnya hasil susunan lengkap 43 series itu (abang aku punya) aku tumpang baca. ooouh!
aku rindu kacang dewa. aku wish aku dapat makan kacang dewa dan kawen ngn kakaroct. dan ada anak sekiut goku kecil. (itu dolu-dolu).

epifah said...

kannnn.rindu gilaaa.dah la kiut je dia lukis goku kecik gohan apa suma. mari2 kita kumpul semula. (tua tua tak sedar diri) :P

W. Suhailaliza W. M. H. said...

hahaha..peduli apa tua?

kite muda la epifah! yooung and dangerous! macam goku kecik. :P

Amir Syafiq said...

uhuk uhuk.