Saturday, January 17, 2009

i'm laughing at you.

life is unfair and funny.sometimes.most of the times.
you can't always get what you want.that's the rule with just can't.
that favorite pair of shoes,is size 5 when you wear size 8. your favorite nasi ayam is a sell out on 1300 hrs.the one you loved most leaves you when you need them more than ever.

you just can't have everything you want,can you?

but i'm not angry,i'm not mad, maybe a little upset because you can't fight always win, always.

hey life,i'm laughing at can't get can't touch me.

you can't defeat me.


Amir Syafiq said...

u kasi jalan terussss.....
jangan masuk simpang....
satu hari,u pasti ada kemenangan la kici.

LeSScAkAp said...

respect ur attitude towrds life...

hahahah wait till u meet life when she's having her PMS hahahahahahah

i've met her several times in that condition and i have to say she can be mighty NASTY!
